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How to Renovate Your Kitchen (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Table of Contents

The kitchen is the hub of our homes where we not only prepare meals but also eat there sometimes and socialise with our friends and family members. Kitchen renovation helps upgrade the fixtures and finishes by keeping the foundations intact and does not involve changing the basic layout and functioning.

There can be different reasons why you decide to renovate your kitchen, such as:

  • Dingy flooring
  • Outdated appliances
  • Lack of storage
  • Shabby cabinets

Step-by-Step Process of Kitchen Renovation

Kitchen renovation demands a lot of things to consider to make this process seamless; that’s why you should follow a proper order for renovating your kitchen, such as:

Think and Plan

Keep your kitchen use in mind and think if you need any extra storage or more appliances, and list all those ideas that come into your mind. You should make two lists, one for the things you already have in your kitchen and the other for the things you want to add there. They will help you avoid unnecessary additions. Moreover, you should also consider the flow of space so that there is enough space to walk.

Take Measurements

It would help if you took precise measurements of your kitchen before starting its renovation and deciding what to install and add in this space.

Hire a Professional

You cannot do kitchen renovation yourself as it includes electrical work, plumbing, painting, plastering, flooring, and other installations. Therefore, you should hire a professional to ensure proper completion of all the renovation work and safety.

Prepare Your Kitchen

You will have to remove all the things, including damaged flooring, old appliances, backsplash, etc., with the help of a professional to prepare your kitchen for essential renovations.


Kitchen Renovation
Prepare Your Kitchen

Choose Appliances

It would be best if you considered your requirements while deciding the kitchen appliances you want to have. There are some appliances which are essential and are of daily use, such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, etc. There are other appliances, such as a coffee maker, which is not essential but is considered a luxury appliance, so you should critically choose the appliances based on your need and budget.

Electrical and Plumbing Work

Your kitchen renovation demands the removal, replacement, or repair of old electrical and plumbing fittings, for which you require a tradesperson to complete this work. Based on your requirements, you can also add more sockets and switchboards.

Plastering and Painting

The next step is wall plastering and painting. You can change the paint colour of your kitchen to give it a refreshed look.

Flooring and Installations

After the completion of flooring, you should go for fitting installations, which include cabinets, sinks, backsplash, other appliances and worktops added at the end. You can also paint the old cabinets after getting the necessary repairs done.


The last step is adding decorative materials in the kitchen, which can include small flower pots in the window, wall hangings, chairs, and any other thing, depending on your ideas and the size of your kitchen.

Mistakes to Avoid

It would help if you were keen on all the kitchen renovation details and did not overlook any aspects to avoid significant problems. Following are some of the mistakes you should avoid while renovating your kitchen:

  • You should know the importance of planning and start planning well before the actual time, keeping your vision and results in mind.
  • You should not set unrealistic goals before purchasing all the required elements.
  • You should not ignore your budget while deciding on the kitchen components you want to renovate.
  • You should not choose the appliances after selecting cabinetry and know the exact measurements of the appliances to avoid space problems.
  • You should not install flooring before cabinets so that the floor cannot lose its expansion and contraction ability and does not cup or peak from anywhere; it also minimises the damage risk for floors due to cabinet installations.
  • You should not make hasty decisions regarding the flooring selection and consider different properties of materials, such as if they are slippery, stain resistant, etc.
  • You should not choose low-quality wiring and install arc and ground fault circuit protectors to avoid electrical emergencies, fires, or injuries.
  • You should not forget about the delivery time of the appliances and other materials you have ordered and plan the starting date of renovation accordingly.
  • You should not just go for painting the already installed cabinets; instead, you should analyse their existing condition so that you do not regret your decision in future if their functionality becomes compromised and requires repair or replacement.
  • You should not just focus on the style and trends; instead, focus on the practicality of the materials by staying realistic.
  • You should not underestimate the storage space and always choose to enhance the kitchen storage during renovation.


Flooring and Installations
Plastering and Painting

Safety Precautions

It would be best if you prioritised safety during a kitchen renovation, such as:

  • Turn off the water
  • Turn off the power supply
  • Wear personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, heavy-duty shoes, etc.)
  • Use proper tools
  • Consult professionals

Advantages of Kitchen Renovation

  • It is an affordable option.
  • It adds value to your property.
  • It enhances the kitchen’s functionality.
  • It makes more space available for use.
  • It helps in getting things right over time according to your requirements.
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